Plantar Wart Treatment with Swift Microwave Therapy: Patient Testimonial

Oct 7, 2024

Client Testimonial on Swift Therapy

Hi, this is Singh. I was having a lot of pain in my foot and thought it was just regular corn. 

I went to a far-away, local pharmacy and bought the wart remover tapes. I tried those, but they didn’t help. The pain was increasing every day, so I looked online for a good podiatrist and came across Dr. Bella’s podiatry clinic. I met him, and he started the treatment. 

Treatment for Plantar Warts

Initially, he gave me a cream called Vircin and tried to remove the wart using that. It worked, but not 100%. Then, he did another good therapy called Swift therapy for Plantar warts, which really did the magic. 

The wart is completely gone and now I’m feeling very good and have no pain at all and it happened within a couple of months. I’m very happy with his work. Thank you.

Book Your Appointment

If you are also suffering from stubborn Plantar warts contact Restore podiatry for effective treatment options for you.