Swift Microwave Immunotherapy


What is Swift Microwave Immuno Therapy?

Swift Microwave Therapy became first available in the United States in January 2019. Restore Podiatry begin to offer Swift Microwave Treatment in June 2019 and has been performing over 500 procedures.

Introducing Swift Therapy!

Our Swift Therapy Proprietary Treatment Algorithm:

Boosts your body’s wart-fighting immune power.

Targets the root cause of plantar warts — human papillomavirus (HPV).

Works relatively painlessly in seconds to let you enjoy life.

Prevents plantar warts from coming back or spreading. 

The most effective plantar wart treatment is available. NO needles, NO long sessions, NO aftercare.

Dealing with plantar warts can be very frustrating and even painful. Traditional treatments are not much better either. Plantar warts are stubborn and will not go away without a fight. Well, now there is a better way!

With Restore Podiatry’s strong focus on regenerative medicine and innovative technology, Dr. Bhela uses 2 different Programs: SWIFT Microwave therapy and Clear Wart Program in treating plantar warts — a faster, cleaner, and safer way than any other known warts treatment.

How Swift Therapy Works

Swift Therapy is Effective, Quick and Non-invasive

Microwave technology goes beyond being safe, noninvasive, and clean. It’s also got a 30-year track record of successful, complication-free applications for various health issues! The fact that Swift therapy does not burn, scar, or need any medications makes it the safest wart removal treatment on the market today.

Swift offers real freedom from wart recurrence thanks to its immune-system-supporting characteristics. Swift therapy helps your body be able to recognize any HPV viruses in your body so that in the future, your body will be able to identify and fight any recurrence of the viruses. By comparison, traditional methods only work around 50 percent of the time, making Swift therapy the best and most effective treatment for warts all the way around! With an 83% success rate, Swift is the most effective treatment available. 

Now, Restore Podiatry & Laser Center offers Swift therapy, an innovative treatment that uses microwave technology to stimulate a positive immune response to eradicate your persistent plantar wart.  Swift Microwave Therapy has been proven to be 83% successful in clearing plantar warts, according to published studies.

Now, Restore Podiatry & Laser Center offers Swift therapy, an innovative treatment that uses microwave technology to stimulate a positive immune response to eradicate your persistent plantar wart.  Swift Microwave Therapy has been proven to be 83% successful in clearing plantar warts, according to published studies.

Plantar Wart: Treatment Options

Stubborn Plantar Wart?

Do you have stubborn plantar wart causing you discomfort, pain and affecting your daily life? Treat it with Swift at Restore Podiatry & Laser Center. A brand new technology that uses microwave energy to treat skin lesions, Swift effectively treats even the most stubborn verruca.

For years, Long Island patients have used different treatments to try to eliminate their plantar warts — from topical solutions to cryotherapy and surgery. Unfortunately, these options often ignore the underlying problem: the HPV virus.

Now, Restore Podiatry & Laser Center offers Swift therapy, an innovative treatment that leverages microwave technology to stimulate a positive immune response to eradicate your persistent plantar wart issue.

Each Swift session alerts your body to the presence of the HPV viruses and helps your body fight them, taking the cause of outbreaks out of the equation! With three or four simple sessions over three months — each lasting for only a few seconds — you can say goodbye to persistent plantar wart issues.

Getting to Know Swift Therapy

The Swift system employs microwave technology to expose the HPV virus to your body’s immune system, letting your natural defenses do their work. Unlike tissue-destroying alternative therapies that work from the surface down into the skin, Swift therapy works by stimulating and activating cellular immunity from the inside out for lasting results.

How does it work? During your treatment sessions at Restore Podiatry & Laser Center, our medical team will apply a small wand to affected areas five times for two seconds each time. No cutting, freezing, or burning — simple.

The procedure itself is relatively painless and very fast. Once the wand is removed from the wart, any minor pain is then gone. After a few minutes, you’ll be ready to leave. That’s it! There are no bandages, lasting pain, or lengthy recovery periods! You do not need any medications or any recovery time.

You will need to have about three to four appointments to ultimately be rid of warts. Each appointment needs to be spread out about four weeks apart to allow for your body to fight off the HPV viruses. After the last treatment, we will schedule a three-month follow-up consultation to ensure you’re truly wart-free.

Struggling With Stubborn Plantar Wart? We Can Help!

Why Choose Restore Podiatry For Swift Microwave Treatment?

With years of experience in treating stubborn plantar warts using Swift Microwave Therapy, we have carried out hundreds of treatments. As a Experienced Swift Microwave Therapy user, the clinic has demonstrated a high level of excellence in delivering this cutting-edge treatment.

At Restore Podiatry & Laser Center, we are proud to offer our newest, latest laser treatment and Clear Nail Program™ & Clear Wart Program™ which are powerful inclusive approach to your treatment for toenail fungus and warts. We take time to understand our patients and understand their needs.