Common Foot and Ankle problems

Restore provides a non-invasive treatment option for a variety of common foot and ankle problems, which can lead to heel pain and discomfort in the feet. Get rid of the root cause with our laser therapies and regenerative medicines.

Adult Acquired Flatfoot Treatment Options

A condition where the foot arch collapses, causing pain and alignment issues.

Hammertoe: Symptoms and Treatment Options

A deformity where toes bend abnormally at the middle joint. This condition causes discomfort and corns.

Toenail Fungus Treatment Options at Restore Podiatry

A fungal infection leading to thickened, discolored, and brittle toenails.

Foot Arthritis or Osteoarthritis: Treatment Options

Inflammation in foot joints that causes pain and stiffness. It can cause reduced mobility.

Bunion Treatment Options - Restore Podiatry

A bony bump at the base of the big toe caused by misalignment or pressure.

Ingrown Toenails: Treatment Options

A painful condition where the nail grows into the surrounding skin.

Plantar Wart: Treatment Options

A small, rough growth on the sole of the foot caused by a viral infection, mainly HPV.

Heel Pain: Causes and Treatment Options

Discomfort in the heel is often caused by conditions like plantar fasciitis or heel spurs.

Foot Numbness: Treatment options

Loss of sensation in the foot, often linked to nerve damage or poor circulation.

Plantar Fasciitis: Treatment Options at Restore Podiatry

Inflammation of the plantar fascia leads to sharp heel pain, especially in the morning.

Achilles Tendinopathy: Treatment Options at Restore Podiatry

Pain and inflammation in the Achilles tendon due to overuse or strain.

Neuroma Treatment Options

A painful condition caused by thickened nerve tissue, often between the toes.

Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy: Treatment Options

Nerve damage from chemotherapy, leading to foot numbness and tingling.

Idiopathic Neuropathy treatment options

Nerve dysfunction in the feet with no identifiable cause, leading to pain and numbness.

At Restore Podiatry & Laser Center, we are proud to offer our newest, latest laser treatment and Clear Nail Program™ & Clear Wart Program™ which are powerful inclusive approach to your treatment for toenail fungus and warts. We take time to understand our patients and understand their needs.