Bunion Treatment Options: Tiny Scar, No Screw
What is Bunion?
A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. When some bones at the front of the foot move out of place, it causes the big toe to get pulled towards the smaller ones. As a result, the big toe joint sticks out of the foot.
Symptoms of Bunions
You will notice a visible bump on the side of the foot at the base of the big toe. This condition might restrict the movement of the big toe.
People suffering from bunions often complain about pain, swelling, and difficulty walking or wearing footwear. The skin over the bunion is often red and sore.

What Causes Bunions
A family history of bunions can increase the risk of developing bunions.
Wearing uncomfortable shoes like narrow and ill-fitted footwear can contribute to bunions. Unfortunately for the ladies- even high heels can lead to bunions.
Foot Structure
Individuals with flat feet or abnormal bone structure are more prone to this foot condition.
Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis can contribute to bunion development.
Treatment Options for Bunions at Restore Podiatry & Laser Center
Minimally Invasive Surgery
This treatment approach is more suitable for patients with severe cases of bunion. Dr. Bhela specializes in minimally invasive cosmetic foot surgery where we realign the bones in the foot to fix the deformity.
Tiny incisions are made to allow access to the bones for reshaping, straightening, and pinning. This procedure has minimal pain and scarring, a quicker recovery time, and no stitches!
Traditional ‘open surgery’ goes through all these layers to reach the bunion, and the healing causes stiffness and swelling, scarring, and a hindrance in terms of pain and recovery.
Read more about Minimally Invasive Surgery here

Traditional Surgery
- Incision Size 3 to 6 cm
- Wear Surgical Shoes For 6 to 8 weeks
- Use Of Expensive Hardware (Screws, Plates, Staples, Implants)
- Procedure performed under traditional anesthesia
- Performed in a hospital or surgery center
- Increased Recovery Time
- Increased Swelling
- May Require Strong Pain Medications

Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Incision Size Less than 3 mm
- Walk the same day
- Wear Surgical Shoes For 2 weeks
- No Need To Use Expensive Hardware (Screws, Plates, Staples, Implants)
- Procedure performed under Local anesthesia
- Easily Performed in our office-based surgical suite
- Decreased Recovery Time
- DecreasedSwelling
- No need for Strong Pain Medications
Non-surgical Treatment Options
At Restore Podiatry and Laser Center, Dr. Davinder Bhela offers a range of nonsurgical procedures if you are not comfortable with surgical options. The non-surgical treatment is suitable for patients with a less severe case of bunion.
Custom Orthotics
3D Printed custom orthotics help realign the bones in the foot. It relieves the pressure on the bunion, ultimately aiding movement.
Read more about Custom Orthotics here
Laser Therapy
High power and Deep Tissue Laser therapy helps reduce inflammation and pain associated with bunions. This treatment enhances the body’s natural healing process.
Read more about Laser Therapies here.
At Restore Podiatry & Laser Center, we are proud to offer our newest, latest laser treatment and Clear Nail Program™ & Clear Wart Program™ which are powerful inclusive approach to your treatment for toenail fungus and warts. We take time to understand our patients and understand their needs.