An essential factor in coping with the symptoms of neuropathy at night is how one organizes their bedtime routine. First, make it a habit to check your blood sugar levels at the beginning of every evening, for keeping the blood sugar level even throughout the day can greatly reduce some of the symptoms you experience at night. Then do some easy footwork to help blood flow without straining your feet too much. Such exercises could be scrunching the toes and rotating the ankles.
Simultaneously, controlling the temperatures helps to alleviate symptoms. The temperature in the bedroom should be kept moderate and supportive to help avoid trends that have shown previous extremes of temperature aggravating the symptoms of Neuropathy.
Finally, in terms of night footwear, opt for the designs that favor comfort rather than tight fitting styles; some natural fiber loose fitting caftans over the feet help without constricting the blood flow. However, some patients find that compression socks help, but check with your doctor if these are suitable in your case.